Since payday is not yet around I borrowed money from my sister to survive my weekend. I picked her up at her office at Textite, and we both agreed to have coffee. While on our way to Starbucks Tektite, we argued about who's paying and eventually agreed to pay for our own orders. I then told her I can get my coffee for free - and she was like "whateva".
After our coffee, we made our way to SM Megamall since the fx terminals going to Antipolo and QC are there.
And since girls can't just resist window shopping we found ourselves entering random shops.
Tried make-up testers ^.^, checked on watches and whatever else that caught our eyes.
And then a shining light came from nowhere, shining on the FREE MANICURE sign and my tingly feeling since morning reached it's highest peak and I said "let's get a free manicure!"
Upon inquiring... we need to purchase atleast 150 pesos each of items from CUTEX to get our FREE MANI.
I chose to buy a nail polish and a polish remover and a cuticle oil for my sister.
And then the hard part came next: CHOOSING the COLOR for OUR NAILS!
Since my sister is working in a more corporate, everyday dress up office; she decided to get a nude color. She said "I'm going to have a client meeting tomorrow, I need a normal looking shade."

After 20 mins. it was my turn.
Don't forget the 100 pesos tip for the uber super effort service from ate manicurista.
My kuripot mode sister goes... "My manicure is 200 pesos and I have a free cuticle oil."
So I told her... "Didn't you see the smile on ate's face when you handed her the tip? it's worth it."